Sterilite racks
I'm going to start building a rack system for neo and yearling boas and JCP's. I was thinking something that can hold a combination of 12qt and 27qt tubs that I can build myself.
How old or what size do you think I can keep any hold backs in 27qt tubs? Feeding schedule would be once every 7 days. I figure 12 qt tubs would be good from neo to 10 months. 27qt good for 10 months to 18 months.
Last night I found some plans and modified it to hold 18 = 27qt or 36 = 12qt tubs or a mixture of both sizes since these are the same height. The 27 qt is 16" wide, the 12qt is 16" long. Cost should be about $200 - $250 w/ heating and tubs.
At the moment I plan on 6 = 27qt tubs and 24 = 12 qt tubs.
I also found a nice design that can hold 10 = 48qt tubs.
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1
Last edited by ssscales; 12-24-04 at 10:44 AM..