dart frog sick
wondering if ppl could help troubleshoot
one of my p. terribillis is getting progessively thinner and I can't seem to find any real reason why
he is in a group of four and about 3 weeks ago I noticed he was a little thinner then the others but not anything that seemed unhealthy. So I made extra effort to drump ff near him (as well as crickets and waxworms). As p. terribillis are aggressive feeders I assumed that it was simply a matter of the bigger guys getting to the food first
however, since then he is getting so thin you can see parts of his skeleton (hips, backbone etc).
I seperated him from the others and it seemed to make matters worse (same conditions as the others just different tank). He is reasponsive to movement from insects in his tank but he won't strike at them (he follows the movement around the tank but won't eat them). I have seen him eat the odd ff but nothing like he should be eating.
I thought it could be parasites but then wouldn't the others show some sign? Also he seems very active and is constantly exploiring his tank.
My only other thought is impaction however I have never actually dealt with impaction myself and do not know what to look for. In addition to this, the substrate is large aquarium gravel covered in moss so I don't know how likely that would be.
any ideas or suggestions would be great
his former tank mates are all extremely fat (well... what a p. terribillis should look like lol) and eatting everything in site.