Since I got a hognose yesterday, I thought it's time to post pictures of him and some updates of my Ruthven's king.
This is Theodore, the new snake addition. I've wanted a hognose for a while but held off until I'd researched them enough. Now, almost a year later, I got one (well, Santa twisted my arm into getting him
How can you resist a snake with a nose like that, fat chubby looking 'cheeks' and big googly eyes? I know length isn't a good indicator of age but would anyone like to guess how old he might be so I have a rough idea? He's about 12" / 30 cm long.
And here's (Uncle) Roy, my L. ruthveni. I got him New Year's Eve 2003, so he's been here almost one year and had never ever refused a meal. His feeding response is fantastic. He does wait long enough for me put the food onto the feeding tray, but not a second longer.
Showing off some of his tunnels. I just wish he'd poop on top of the aspen, not in the tunnels where I have to rummage around to find the mess .... and get it all over my hands.