Unveil the Ghosts !!
Hi there folks:
Since there was some discussion earlier on Ghost Boas, I thought it was time to post some photos of ours. These are 2004 Ghost Boas and Double Heterozygous Ghost Boa. Again I named them some weird names, as I name all my boids. But each name has its purpose
A little history on these names is as follows.
AH KINCHIL is our male possible Super Ghost Boa. Named after the Mayan Sun God. As they saw much faith and promise in there Gods, we here have much the same faith in him to produce supers for us, or beautiful F2 Ghosts with his mate..
Everyone meet
AH KINCHIL.....:sun:
KA ATA KILLA is our female possible Super Ghost Boa. Again named rather weird but she represents the Incans as their Moon Goddess. We decided on this name to counter the males name - "Sun-Moon".
Everyone meet
KA ATA KILLA.....:bsmile:
COCOMAMA, no jokes please. She is our Double Heterozygous Ghost Boa. Named after the Incans again, she represents the Goddess of Happiness and Health. She will either have AH KINCHIL or maybe another morph mate in coming years.
Everyone meet
Thank you all for viewing.
Tony Pharosx