How 2B the best rodent supplier?
I love rodents and to work with them for a living, I need to become the biggest and best rodent (and other animals) supplier in North America. So, what do you want in a perfect rodent supply company? Some ideas I have (for you to comment on):
* irradiated rodents so you do not have to freeze and thaw them
* blood replaced by preservative and packaged in CO2 (no freeze)
* organically and vegan fed
* a variety of marked sizes (increase by 5 or 10 grams between sizes)
* hairless and/or lubricated rodents?
* Tailless or other parts removed (like teeth?)
* different species with listed nutrient content (low fat, high protien, gut load additives)
* packaging including a "just right temperature" color change spot
* regular delivery dates with auto acount debit
Thanks for any input as I set up to be the biggest and best rodent supplier (give me about a decade ot get there).
you can email me at but put "vole" some where in the subject line