Male bit female!
I got home a few minutes ago and checked on my snakes as I do every night. I noticed something strange on the head of one of my female Dumerils. After a closer look I noticed there were two broken off teeth stuck on her head! I assume the male had bit her! I immediately removed the male from the females cage and pulled the teeth as well as put on some Neosporin.
I don't understand what could have cause this, these two have been together for weeks! They have mated and copulated numerous times! Why would he have bitten her? I also noticed a bit of blood of the Plexiglass. I checked her and him out and did not notice any other wound.
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1