Please recommend a thermostat
Does anyone have any suggestions on what type/brand of thermostat to buy? My terrarium is heated with a 100w ceramic heat emitter, and the temps get way too high during the day (almost 100 deg F).
Which brand would you buy? I know that proportional thermostats are superior, but would an analog one be OK? I have a limited budget. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This what I have so far:
Digital Proportional Thermostats (Helix, Big Apple):
Maintains temperature by regulating currents
Very pricey, almost impossible to find in Canada
Analog Thermostats (Alife etc.)
Cheap, readily found in almost all petstores. Controls temps by turning the current on/off.
On/Off function does not regulate temps all that well. It can also be annoying if attached to a light bulb, as it will keep on turning on and off. The on/off might also shorten the life of the heat element.