yup, sounds like you have a pretty normal chameleon alright. My nosy be is not a fan of leaving his cage. Once you get him out though he is just fine. Like somebody else mentioned, all you can do is try and guide him on to your hand. Remember that chameleons like to climb upwards so put your hand on an incline infront of him and nudge him from behind. Thats what i do. Takes a little bit of patience but it works. It takes LOTS of patience if he is on the other side of the cage cause he'll just grab another branch on the way out! Other then that, there isn't much you can do.
1.1 Map Turtles, 1.0 Florida Red Belly Turtle, 0.0.1 Musk Turtle, 1.1 Leopard Geckos, 1.1 Bearded Dragons, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Airedale Terrier