Stuff like what, Jeff?
Do you mean all the seemingly contradictory information out there on breeding (not to mention that 98% of it is out of date and usually plagiarized from stuff that is even MORE out of date!) OR do you just mean dumb questions keep you up late at night? lol!
Once you have enough of your own first hand breeding experience the question of which recipe is right becomes irrelevant, by then you know what works for you and that's all that matters. But, when you are breeding a new species for the first time the instructions are so inconsistent that they all become useless, they can't all be right so they might as well all be wrong.
Does anyone really know what they are talking about or are we dealing in anecdotal evidence only here?
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
Last edited by MouseKilla; 11-18-04 at 10:12 PM..