Originally posted by wyz
Got a question for breeders who like to test things and might have tried that before.
Lets say that you wanna cool a pair a Brazilian Rainbow Boa in order to bred them.
It is suggested to cool them with night time temps of 68-72F (20-22C) and kept day time temps at 81F (27C).
What if you provide them with a big enough enclosure that as low temps at one end of the cage and high temps a the other end ?
(we'll make the assumption that the enclosure is big enough and setup so that we can obtain this huge temperature gradient)
Do you think the snakes will get the right temperatures by themselves without the breeder having to force them ?
Think they know at what temp to go in order to get their body prepared for breeding ?
Sorry, not sure why I got Brazilian Rainbow Boas, I missed the white lipped python part...