Ok so im bathing one ofa littleale rainwaters in a deli cup cause she looks alittle dehigrated and she poops so i takes her out of the water and dries her off and puts her back in the cage. Then as im going to empty the dirty water in the toilet i notice a bunch of little worms wiggling around on the bottom of the cup! Their small (but easy to see) and a whit/clear color. Dose any know what kind or worm this is? And is their a way to treat her with out taking her to the vet? (I will take her to the vet if i have to) She's eating and and acting normal and hasn't lost any weight.
Any help is much apreached!
Red Star Reptiles
Leopard Geckos (Lots for sale!)
2.1.0 Ball Pythons
1.1.0 Corn Snakes