Rat Questions
Okay, I'm about to start breeding my own rats and there's some things I wanted to know:
Roughly, how many weeks is a complete cycle for a female? i.e. from mating, to giving birth, to weaning, and suitable recovery time as well? From what I've read, it's about
Mating 1 week
Gestation 3 weeks
Weaning 3-5 weeks
Recovery Period ???
Since I have approximately a dozen snakes to feed, would this mean I would need at least one female rat for each week it takes for a complete cycle?
Also, what are growth rates on rats like? Basically, from birth, approximately how long does it take them to reach these weights:
25g, 50g, 100g, 150g, 200g
I've also read that females can breed at 5 weeks but it's best to wait until they are at least 2 months?
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.9 Normal Ball Pythons, 0.1 African House Snake, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 0.0.1 Argentinian Horned Frog