Tangerine Albinos
I really like the ‘tangerine albinos’ and I am interested in the genetics behind this morph.
To produce a ‘tangerine albino’ I would have to breed double hets for ‘albino’ and ‘tangerine’ to produce a small number of 'tangerine albinos' if both ‘tangerine’ and ‘albino’ were simple recessive traits; specifically, 1 in 16 would be a ‘tangerine albino’ from a double het breeding.
From the articles I have read, the production of double hets results in 'normal' looking babies if both of the traits that you are breeding for are simple recessive traits. Because ‘tangerine’ is a co-dominant trait, and 'albino' is a simple recessive trait, I think that breeding an ‘albino’ to a ‘tangerine’ would produce 50% tangerines and 50% normals that would both be het for albino. Breeding the ‘tangerines het for albino’ would produce the ‘tangerine albinos.’
Is this the case? I realize that the percentages are theoretical but do I correctly understand the theory behind the production of this morph?