Ok, not to beat a dead horse...but here's an exerpt from an excellent Boa website:
As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to sell crossbred boas, as the demand for such animals is decreasing.
For instance, if you acquire a pair of crossbred Boa constrictor for the purpose of propagation, you must consider the possibility of being unable to sell the offspring later on. Many breeders in that situation then turn to pet stores. For that reason, you cannot be certain that they will take your animals even there. Crossbred boas pretty much fetch the lowest sales price of all boas and pythons anyways.
You may now ask yourself why we are talking about money. Very simple: As consulting authorities for the district councils in Bavaria, we are regularly consulted for inventory and facility evaluations. In our experience, it is ALWAYS the “cheap snakes” (please excuse this terminology; it is not regarding the quality, but the monetary value of the animal) that are kept in the worst of conditions. The majority of these snakes were purchased at pet stores for relatively little money. Because of the low purchase price, the buyer does not put a lot of considerations into the needs of the animals, going by the motto: “If that thing dies, there won’t be much money lost”.
We are by no means saying that all keepers of inexpensive boas and pythons keep their animals in bad conditions. It is simply a fact that all those poor creatures without a suitable enclosure, whose keeper had never even purchased a book to familiarize himself/herself with its husbandry requirements, were all “cheap snakes” (e.g. crossbred boas, ball pythons, Burmese pythons).
Therefore, if you give a litter of crossbred animals to a pet store, you can be certain that some of these poor creatures will not survive their first year of life due to the insufficient care by their future keeper. Would you like that? Again, the following sentence applies: “The responsibility of the breeder is often underestimated.”