Baby Water Dragon
Ok I'm kind of new to this reptile thing. A few months ago I bought a very small Chinese Water Dragon. He died a week and a half later (they didn't bother to tell me I needed uv lights (and I know I was bad by not really researching about reptiles :\ )). So we took him back and got another. He started doing badly, we went to a different store in search of a fish and one of the guys there lead us in the right direction. Then he got a lot better and was eating normally and being playful. We recently transferred him from a long 20 gallon to a tall 25 with a ceramic heater and uv light; he has gotten worse since yesterday. This morning I woke up and he was laying on the ground not looking so good. I tapped on the glass to see if he was still alive, and he opened up his eyes and lifted his head. but about 30 min. ago I went to check on him, he was in the same spot laying down. I am really worried about this little guy. Yesterday he ate a bunch of crickets, so his appetite is ok, but he is still REALLY skinny looking and he hasnt really grown much, if at all, since we got him. I am holding him right now and it seems like he is trying hard to breathe. And he is just sitting there, usually he's pretty fussy. If someone could just point me in right direction or give me a little advice (not criticism, please). Thanks.