So the answer to your question, orginal poster, is yes, the snake probably bit you because it was totally freaked out!
Ball pythons are an African Python, and they need HEAT. Room temperature that is comfortable for people is nowhere near warm enough to keep his systems going.
Click this link, and learn about the minimum care requirements for a ball python there.
If you have more specific questions after that, all of us, including everyone who has posted here, will be more than happy to help you.
Snakes are a bad impulse purchase, but with the way some pet chainstores nonchalantly sell them, I can understand how this has happened. Snakes are a great animal, and BPS tend to be pretty well tempered. However, the temperment of any animal depends largely on how it is kept, and if its needs are met.
Learn and Get what your snake what it needs ASAP, or return it to the store if you cannot. A ball python without proper temperatures will die.
If you are a troll, and I have wasted my breath, then so be it.
But if you are serious, and you need help, read that link, and let us know what else we can help you with.