Time for some Braggin'
Well, with the season drawing to a close I think it's time to share the years finds. I had a decent season but didn't have all the herping time I would have liked. At any rate, here's my '04 list.
Midland Brown Snake (2 or 3)
Eastern Garter Snake (bunches)
Northern Redbelly Snake (2 or 3)
Nothern Water Snake (half a dozen or so)
Common Map Turtle (3)
Common Snapping Turtle (a dozen or so)
Midland Painted Turtle (bunches)
American Toad (bunches)
Bullfrog (a dozon or so)
Green Frog (bunches)
Northern Leopard Frog (bunches)
Wood Frog (bunches)
Grey Treefrog (a few)
Northern Spring Peeper (a few)
Spotted Salamander (a few)
Blue-Spotted Salamander (a few)
Jefferson-ish hybred (1)
Mudpuppy (1, under the ice in February)
Northern Redback Salamander (bunches)
Red-Spotted Newt (a few)
Florida (Wasn't a herping trip but I looked around anyways)
Everglades Racer (1)
Southern Black Racer (1)
Southern Ringneck Snake (1)
Five-Lined Skink (a few)
South-Eastern Five-Lined Skink (a few)
Green Anole (a dozon or so)
Brown Anole (bunches)
Crested Anole (2)
Six-Lined Race Runner (a dozon or so)
Mediterranian Gecko (bunches)
Ashy Gecko (2 or 3)
Florida Redbelly Turtle (a dozon or so)
Florida Softshell (a half dozon or so)
A few other slider-ish turtles I didn't recognize
American Alligator (bunches, they're everywhere)
American Crocodile (1)
Squirrel Treefrog (a dozon or so)
Cuban Treefrog (1)
Greenhouse Frog (a half dozon or so)
So, How'd everyone else do?
Last edited by CamHanna; 10-17-04 at 06:51 PM..