Mealworms- Questions
I've been feeding mealworms to my geckos for the past few months now. In the last 2 times I've been there and bought mealworms, they've all been dead, except for a few. The thing is that these mealworms they don't look dead. They aren't black, and the aren't hard. They actually are very soft, and look alive, but aren't- from what I can tell. They don't move, and when I pick them up they don't move either.
Now I complained about how they've been dying and that told me that they should be kept in the fridge until I feed them, and that when kept out in room temperature they go into a dormant stage.
So my questions are... should they be refridgerated, or kept out at room temperature, and why are they dying? I was also wondering if they're in the fridge, and they're body is slowing down, how are they supposed to eat?
Not as many leopard geckos