Decisions, Decisions Hmmmmm.
Well at the edmonton fall show we picked up a little het orange ghost male that was "ready to breed this year". Well I suppose he might be if I wait a few months, he only weighs 424g. I'm guessing he is this years hatchling right, Corey since he originally came from you at the red deer show can ya let me know when these guys hatched please? As we have only had him a week I'm not sure how well he will eat or what he is eating, try rats first anyway. My female on the other hand is a lovely 2050g and doing fantastic loves her rats. I'm hesitant to put a little 500g male in with her. My brother on the other hand is getting himself a pastel and we were going to breed him with Briseas until we got the het ghost. Now I'm not sure, what would you guys recomend, I'm seriously thinking to leave little Shell, short for Ghost in the shell yes we are anime fans, till next year. If he eats rats easily in a month he can gain a couple hundred grams but should I wait it will be almost that long till the pastel gets here and then we still have to wait on quaranteen and all that...might just end up with a late season.
Nita Hamilton