Originally posted by CamHanna
Would spiny softshells really be worth poaching?
I wouldn't think so, but I am not in the underground illegal turtle trade - so I can't speculate on the "worth". There's really no need to question the motives right now, the fact is that they were taken - with evidence to suggest it was an intentional and surgically executed theft. Scott and Jeff have alluded to this turtle as being a poor animal for captivity (
here). The eggs could have been taken for the pet trade, or for unfounded medicinal purposes (Snapper eggs are used as aphrodisiacs by many ignorant people and their eggs are stolen in large numbers), or so that the babies could be grown up for meat markets.
No matter what the motive is, the best anyone can do right now is to be aware that these eggs were stolen and to report any possible tips of their whereabouts to the proper authorities.
Thanks all,