on sept 12th we got a gopher snake and a cal king, both babies. when we got them home they were placed in a sterlite showoff (14 1/4" x 9 1/2" x 6 7/8" or
http://www.sterilite.com/Category.ht...tCategory=42##) with upside deli cups for hides and water dishes on a substrate of cell sorb plus. their enclosures are heated by a heating pad and range from 80-90. the king shed the day we brought him home and ate a f/t pinkie the next day. neither have eaten since though after 3 tries. my wife read that you shouldnt feed them in their enclosure and someone recommended the bathtub lined w/ a towel. we tried that, but the poor gopher looked petrified.. and trying to tease feed him made it worse. lat nite when i was putting a pink in the kings he struck at it while it was on the tongs, but nothing after.
any suggestions? i dont know what to think or whether to worry yet, but want to get some feedback. oh.. and we havnet been handling them at all.