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Old 10-01-04, 09:14 AM   #11
John Doe
Join Date: Oct-2004
Posts: 9
I'm a new member on this forum and that's gonna be my first post because all that polemic concerning Pits and such is touching me deeply.

First of all, i own four dogs. 1 female AmStaff, 1 male American bull dog, 1 male Boston bull terrier and 1 mixt Rottweiller German sheppard. I've been owning Staffies and other types of terrier since i'm a kid, witch means about twenty years now and i think that most Staffies owners will agree with me that those dogs sould not be owned by any people who just want a regular house dog, not because they are too agressive but simply because those dogs are too energetics and demanding for a lot of people and i believe those rules apply for almost all terrier breeds.

Sadly, not all people understand the commitments and responsability that represent owning a dog and a lot of people go for the look only, without thinking all the responsabilities that an animal represent. Here in Quebec, we have problems with bad press concerning pits and such only since 1986, knowing that those dogs are around since the late 40's. What happened in 86?FASHION!!!!!!!!! Sadly, irresponsible people who used to owned German sheppards, dobermans, and other type of dogs considered SCARRY at the time, heard about that breed who was supposedly so strong and scarry. At the same time, german sheppard attacks stopped and pit bulls attack started. This pits attack epidemia only last for about a few months but it stayed in the media manipulated public memory since then.

I got bit three times by dogs, (one of these bite almost cost me my balls, no kidding), and the 3 times, it was by german sheppards but as i have always said, i don' t hate german sheppards and each and every times i got bit, it was my fault and also the fault of the owner who keep dogs tied up in the back yard with a four feet chain with a handfull of dried food once in a while right on the ground, no dishes, and the poor animal, always alone with no contact with other dogs or people, (pretty sad for an animal who's supposed to live in a pack).

Now, here is the storry of Maggie, my AmStaff.

Maggie is a rescued dog and i got her when she was about a year and a half, (she is six now). I took her from a guy who was planning using her as a training bait for fighting dogs. As a result, she ended with broken ribbes, and dommage to her back bone due to beer bottle beating. The first few weeks i got her, she was scarred to death of everything, from voice raising to me drinking a beer and other dogs, but after a while, she gained assurance to finally become the most self confident dog and also the best Staffie i ever had, (she's still scared of beer bottle). Would you believe that after all those bad treatments she suffered, she never ever showned any agressivity to any people or dogs. The storry is a lot longer than that but i'll stop here by saying that, there is no bad animals, only bad people who are using them for bad purpose. If they banned a breed, you can believe me that bad people are gonna put energy on a new breed, and so on and so on. in 86, i was saying to people that the next breed to be on the line would be the Rottweilers and i have been proven right. The next one, American bull dogs then the Cane corso etc.........
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