I saw the following post in the
Turtle Forums and thought that this is something that needs to been seen by all herpers, not just turtle people. We all see and hear whats going on in the herp community and hopefully someone will be able to help out with information.
Originally posted by S Gillingwater
In late July/early August, multiple Spiny Softshell Turtle nests were stolen from a research site along the Thames River. If you have any information about this incident or on the sale of this species in Canada please contact me at the below number and email or contact the Aylmer District Ministry of Natural Resources office at (519)773-4700.
If you prefer to remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at:
Authorities are still investigating this situation, but we are now going public to find the people involved and to highlight poaching issues in Ontario. This is a situation that can not be tolerated, as it comprimises both the species in the wild, and the research data being collected.
Thank you,
Scott D. Gillingwater
Chair, Spiny Softshell Turtle Recovery Team
Species at Risk Biologist
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
(519) 451-2800 ext. 236