What to use
I'm currently planing out a cage for my soon to be boa. The cage measures 5' by 2' by 2' with a 3 foot long shelf 1 foot of the ground for basking and as a hide box. ( 2 additonal upside down littler boxes with holes will be used too) Also it will have a sliding glass front and mesh top. My question is what should i use to coat the wood to prevent Chad( the boa) from getting any splinters? MY step dad suggested we just put a thin layer of fiber glass on all wood areas? Would this work or is there something we can simply paint on that will do the job? Also would i have to worry about it gettting to warm for the wood and catching fire? The basking spot will be around 90 and the rest ranging from 82- 88.
Anyways thx alot
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon