New Beadie, A few Q's
Hey guys, im new to the forum.
I recentily bouhgt a bearded dragon. ( he was purchased yesterday). He's not a Hactling nor an adult, About 10-12" head to tail. For all you beardie owners, how many crickets did your dargon have when they were around that size. Mine seems to only eat one or 2 and leaves the other 3-4 running around his cage. Is this ok? Also is there anything eles he could be eating, (ie. Mealworms)
My last question is, I know that beardies are sposed to have a specail lighting system. Is it ok If a beardie goes for a day and a half with out any of the UBV light. I do have the heat lgihts tho. The pet store wheere i bouhgt him never had any 23" light fixtured to fit my canopy, but they assured me they would be in on tuesday ( tommorw) ..... Is that ok?