Well I think I have a gravid brazilian rainbow on my hands and I am just dying here waiting for her to pop. I am about 95% positive that she is gravid but I am wondering with her recent behavior what I should look for and when I might expect anything to happen. Here are some pics I took along the way
I took this picture March 9th and caught them again april 16th...the only 2 times I caught them
This is what I think was ovulation (june 11th)...she had not been eating and you can see by her size she is pretty big
This was taken a week ago when she was in a deep shed, she has since shed and is doing good
She hasn't eaten for me since I took that first picture and she has always been a great eater...she looks to have gained weight during that time and was always offered food weekly but has never taken for me. I am unsure how long from ovulation it should be and if her recent shed is of any significants (like a b.p pos) Any insight would be great