Thanks for the thorough post, Cam. As for the 99% stat, I don't think I'd take the word of 'YoungBucks' website for the absolute truth. I won't waste anytime arguing it, either, as NO ONE has the data to say what the ratio of abundance of venomous to non-venomous snakes would be beyond a guess. Most species haven't even had population studies done, except the rarest which obviously would account for almost nothing of the total (since they're rare!). However, undoubtably most snakes are harmless, especially in New York state. Copperheads, Eastern Massasaugas, and Timber Rattlesnakes are the only venomous species there, and the latter two are quite rare.
Juvenile rats and racers are possibilities, but to me it sounds like an eastern milksnake.
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!