I agree with Matt_k. I own a pit bull that i took from someone eles that did not take care of her and she would much rather lick you then bite you and there are no bad dogs just bad owners. I own a rotti that is 6 years old almost 7 and she has never done anything close to biting and it is because she was rasied right. people think that they can have a dog and not take the time to train them. oh by the way a chicuaua(spelt wrong i am sure)but never the less they bite more then pits or rottis bite but they dont do alot od damage. thats the problem. my daughter was bite by a small dog and the humane socioty did nothing about it because it was a small dog but if mine did it she would be put down.again it is the owners not the dog. the guy in the story was just walking the dogs for someone eles and they started to attack him. and people around there are saying the dogs were not very nice and neither was the owner so there is the problem.