Need Help with My Veiled Chamaeleon Charle
Hello all,
I have a big problem and I was really hoping I could find help here. About three week ago I picked up my first cheameleon, a healthy active baby. about 4 to 5 days ago I noticed a growth on his/her bum area. Had I had access to a vet I would have taken him in right away, but I have not yet found one in the Hamilton area. The groth was at first large and translusant and Charle seem otherwise fine. The reptile care giver at the store where I bought him suggested that his hemipenis may be stuck open due to shedding and the I could try soaking it in warm water. This however had no results and the situation is getting worse. Over the past few days the growth has shrunken, dried out, and turned a dark red color. Also, since yesterday morning, Charle has eaten very little and become sluggish. He spends much of his time on the bottom of his cage, and he hardly opened his eyes at all tonight. He is unsteady and has fallen twice. I don't know chamaeleons well, but I know animals in general an I fear he will not survive much longer. The pic was taken tonight.
Thank-you for any help.