Some 2004 Hatchlings
Here are a couple pics of some hatchlings from this year.
Orange Ghost male (NERD line). This is the first Orange Ghost that I've produced and unfortunately he's a male. Oh well.....he still looks awesome!
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Orange Ghost male, Pastel 100% het Orange Ghost male, Super Pastel Orange Ghost Male (SPOG)
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SPOG with the Orange Ghost Male.
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SPOG with a Pastel 100% het Orange Ghost female. I produced 5.4 Pastels 100% het Ghost this year.
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Woods line Bandeds. These guys are second generation and it turns out they are recessive. The guy on the left just hatched and the guy on the right is about a month old. I have 1 more clutch to hatch out. 4.1 Bandeds and 1.2 hets in the first clutch and 1.2 bandeds and 0.3 hets in the second clutch. The 3rd clutch should hatch in a couple weeks.
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Third Generation Black Stripe male with a Het Pied male. The black stripes just keep getting better and better. These guys are dominant.
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Het Red Axanthic female on the left and 3rd generation black stripe male on the right. I really like the het Red Axanthics!....and boy do they like to bite. They seem to be genetically pissed off......but that's a good thing as they eat like crazy!
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Het Red Axanthic female on the left and a het Red Axanthic male on the right. These guys all have the same characteristics........light body colour (hypo axanthic), black back and funky side pattern. However, they are highly variable within those conditions. Some of the black backs have a thin pinstripe gold stripe through the black back pattern.
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Corey Woods