have you ever seen something
Hi, my dog just had 8 puppies and only one was alive the others were still born. She is not a good mom so a i thought that i would try putting the puupy with my persian cat that just had babies her self(will almost 2 weeks ago). So i took the pup over to her and she sniffed him and and layed back down,so i put the pup in with her and she licked him and let him feed. To my surprise she has had him now for almost 3 days now and he is eating and fighting with the kittens for food just like he is a brother to them. I know this is not the first time this has happend but i personally have never seen it and thought it was to cuties thing,so i thought i would post some pictures. the first one is my cat cleaning the pup. he is the prue black thing, the picture are not the greatest.