Need advice!!! Keeping snakes together...
I just bought a new BP and would like to keep him with my yearling in my big Vision tank. They (the snakes) are the same size and both of unknown gender. I will be taking them for a checkup a the vet's before introducing them. My plan is to clean out the whole tabk very well and scrub down the furniture to get rid of any scent, then put both snakes into opposite ends of the tank at the same time and let them work things out (while I watch them, of course)
Is this a good plan? If not, what should I do? Are there any reasons why keeping them trogether wouldn't be a good idea (I'd like to have them together if at all possible)
I posted this on the forums at another popular reptile site and no one pictures of some pretty morph here, just someone trying to do the best for her normals - no one's interested in that there, I guess.
Please help me out...thanks.
- Victoria