New to forums
Hello all. Greetings from sunny Cleveland, Ohio. My name is Jeff Craven and I have been keeping and breeding snakes for the past 15 years (wew, got that off my chest. They say first admit you have a problem...)
I currently keep primarily boids with special emphasis in carpet pythons, chondros and boa constrictors and I also keep an assortment of dart frogs.
For those interested, here is my collection in a glance:
1.3 Green Tree Pythons
1.3 Irian Jaya Carpets
1.1 Coastal Carpets
2.2 75% Diamond / Jungle Crosses
0.1 Jungle Carpet
1.2 Ball Pythons
4.8 Boa constrictors
2.2 Burmese Pythons
1.2 Amazon Tree Boas
0.1 Red Blood Python
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
1.0 Trans Pecos Rat Snake
1.0 Veiled Chameleon
1.1 Bearded Dragon
0.0.1 Blue Tongue Skink
2.3 Dendrobates tinctorius
2.2 Phylobates areatania
2.2.2 Dendrobates auratus
0.0.3 Dendrobates leucomelas
1.1 Dendrobates azeurus
Jeff Craven