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Old 08-12-04, 07:39 PM   #1
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Hommies in da house! *pics*

After 2.5 yrs of raising up three lil worms, which Katt brought back home from Daytona in 2002, this is the final result. A species which I've been wanting to breed since I started into this hobby, House snakes.

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A whole week before they were due. Started pipping on day 53.

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That container btw, is a condiment cup. Temporary housing til they all start shedding and feeding.

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Tough to get a good shot of them lil worms. Here's the only half decent one of the many I took. This one was the first one to shed. Pending the rest of the gang to follow suit.

That's all for hatchling photos. Was waiting for them to shed and then take a group photo but I didn't wanna be prying off the pipsqueaks from each other. Ravenous lil leeches!

Here are pics of my breeders.

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My male who proved to be a pain in the butt to feed for his first yr and a half. During breeding season, he was still a lil thing compared to the femmes but it seems that he's gained his appetite after he got a lil nookie. Moved up from a fuzzie eater to a hopper killer in a matter of a month!

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My "red" phase female. She's in one of her dark moods. When it's pretty warm, she lightens up enough that the eye stripe is as light as ivory. Waiting one her first clutch (12) in the incubator.

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A close up of my red-phase "Antaresia". Same snake.

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My other female. I guess she'd be called a dark phase or brown phase. She be the mommy of the hatchlings. First clutch of 11, one egg went bad, one full term dead-in-egg. Waiting on her 2nd clutch of 13, which she laid without reintroduction of the male. Are they prolific or what!
The Herp Room

"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell
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