Advice & suggestions on feeding please
I guess I could have posted this in the Food For Thought forum but I thought I could get a more accurate answer here.
I have had my ball for 2 weeks now. The day I got her (2 Mondays ago) she was fed a live adult mouse. The next Monday I fed her a frozen/thawed mouse. Yesterday I fed her another frozen/thawed mouse. Today I fed her a frozen/thawed fuzzy. She ate all food items with no problem at all.
I have no idea how old she is. She is 24" long and about 5" around at the biggest part of her body.
I read that Balls should be fed every 7-10 days.
Am I feeding her right and is it ok to give a fuzzy in between meals?
Does anyone think I should switch her over to baby rats?
I appreciate anyones help.