Lil ******* got out
So i get home at 5pm and check on Slim. He's in there just chillin. I check again around 7pm and he's no where to be found. I checked his hides about five times each because i couldnt believe it. I have his rubbermaid on the top of my dresser which is about 4 1/2 feet high. First of all i have no idea how he got out of the rubbermaid, secondly i have no idea how the hell he made it down 4 1/2 feet unless he grew some wings. About a hour later the corner of my eye caught the end of his tail by the corner of my desk. I now have a boulder on the top of the rubbermaid. Hopefully his little run around my room made him hungry enough to eat on his own and i wont have to assist feed him tomorrow