Some new little guys
I just produced another clutch of Bandeds this year from the same breeding I did 2 years ago. Years ago my banded male was one of my original breeders. I bred him to multiple females but his offspring did not look like him. They had a cleaner pattern but nothing like him. However, him bred back to his daughters produces awesome looking bandeds!
Here are some of his offspring that just hatched out. I have 2 more clutches in the incubators due to hatch in 3-4 weeks.
Out of 9 eggs 5.1 Bandeds and 2.1 normals hatched out. I'll still have to do more breedings to see how this is inherited, however, at this point I'd say their is a good chance it is recessive.
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Here is my original banded male with one of his sons from 2002.
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I'm open to suggestions on names for these guys.