To breed or not to breed....
Hey All,
As soon as i finish building a custom tank I plan on buying a frilly. I've heard of thier legendary guy I was talking to said his frilly ate around 2 douzen crickets a day( which would be 168 crickets a week), and from the current place I buy that's about $8 a day or $56 a week. Needless to say I'd soon be bankrupt. So i'm now faced with a choice should I breed my own crickets or simply find a supplier who sells large qauntitys for cheap? If anyone could recomend me some good cricket suppliers in canada who sell large qauntitys of crickets( 1000 plus would be good) for affordable prices. Or if anyone breeds there own crickets could you maybe give me the breakdown or recomend a good site that gives you a step by step guide.
Thx alot
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon