Slim at once again kinda
Well my bp ate for the first time a little over a week and a half ago with the help of assist feeding. That was the first time he had ate since i got him over 7 or so weeks prior. He was a small baby when i got him so i tried everything to get him to eat. It finally came down to assist feeding not force feeding. He held the food down and about a week and a half later i placed a large fuzzy rat in his home and once again he didnt eat it. I left it in there for 2 days and he never ate it so tonight i once again assist fed him. Once the rat gets into his mouth he has no problem getting it down but he never seems to wanna eat by himself. How much longer will i need to assist feed him before he starts eating on his own?? Im happy cause now he has two meals in his stomach so i wont have to worry about him starving for a little while. Any info would be much appreciated.