I got a digital camera!!!! My mother saw my growing frustration with not having one, and all the babies and eggs I’m missing taking pictures of – so she offered to loan me her visa to buy each of us one. I will pay her back for mine as soon as I can – but we both have kick *** cameras right now – and If I can’t pay her back I’ll give her an Indigo snake as payment.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading about cameras, and then a newspaper person came to the zoo with a fugi finepix 602. I liked it, but when I started reading and found out that the finepix s500 had a 10x optical zoom – I started to do more research on that camera.
It had more good reviews than I have seen a camera get in a while. Phoning the stores that I did, I found out it is a very popular camera right now – and for good reason I think.
I’ve snapped a few pictures last night, and a few more this morning. Just on auto mode, a few zoom shots, and then I found out I could do cool macro shots. I've taken 20 pictures all in auto mode - and 16 turned out great. So what I am basically saying, is any idiot can take great pictures with this camera out of the box.
The large pictures, when resized – look really good, but you don’t get to see the detail like you could if you had left them larger (but then they don't fit on the screen) When looking at some of my pictures, I thought “this looks like a “guess the snake” thing. So, I took the snake pictures I took, and cropped them severely. In the original pictures, the whole snake is in it - i can post them later.
I even found a piece of shed skin under the scales of one of the snakes in the picture – that I had not seen with the naked eye.
This will now be the way I inspect new snakes for mites – I’m not joking!
Just wait till I learn how to work it out of auto!