N. Mexican Pine clutch...
Well, I wasn't expecting anything from this pair as I only had them together for a couple of days to get my male eating again (and I only brumated him down to 64 F due to the restraints of apartment living), but here she is 6 weeks later with her first clutch. Total of 17 but 11 are definitely slugs. We'll just have to see how the 6 viable-looking ones turn out. Sheila, Ryan, Katt... I think she's done us proud!!! (keeping my fingers crossed)
1.0 red tailed green ratsnakes, 2.3.16 North Mexican Pine snakes, 1.1 Bairds Rat snakes, 1.1 Amazon Tree Boas, 0.1 Trinket Rat snake, 1.1 Taiwan Beauty snake, 1.0 Western Hognose, 0,1 Wandering Garter Snake, 1.0 Russian ratsnake, 1.1 Crested Geckos