I'm sure everyone has noticed that their BCI will at times be much lighter or much darker in appearance than normal.
If you've noticed this you know that I'm not talking about
anything that has to do with where they are in a shed cycle. If you've ever kept an iguana what I'm talking about is very much like the way they change colour I think.
This guy seems to range from bright, bubble gum pink all over (usually at night for some reason) to having a contrasting yellowish brown back and sort of dark pink with some purples and blues on his sides. Anyone else have one that shows these weird colours?
This is the best I could do at trying to capture those blues and purples, not very good but it gives an you an idea I think.
Here's one showing some of the sort of beige/yellow back colour. Sorry for the sub-par macro skills... no macro lens either. lol!
I'd be interested to know if anyone else sees those purplish colours in their own snake and super interested to know what causes boas to change colour.
Thanks for looking.