If I could get a ball python to eat raw steak cut into mousey/rat size.. would it be healthy and okay for them?
It's not that feeding rodents bothers me as it is actually killing the rodents because the local pet stores only sell alive and I don't really trust any food shipped to me.. because I don't know how they're really being kept before hand, what they're fed etc... and sure they could type it out on a website but I'm a more.. if I see it myself I'll believe it kind of person...
I know it would be kind of a long shot with a ball python to eat steak since they are known to refuse food but.. It wouldn't have bugs, been fed dog food before hand, and the smell of raw meat and blood, I think at least, would be very alluring for a snake...
Right now I don't own any ball pythons and I'm just trying to do as much research as I possibly can before I do get one next year so please don't kill me over this probably stupid question.