Insurance on your collection?
What insurance company do you use to insure your pet collection? I don't mean health insurance to cover vet bills, I mean in the event, god forbid, your house burned down or coverage for accidental death. Example would be if the thermostat on your house screwed up and things got way to hot and it killed your collection. Is there any company that would insure animals in cases such as this?
I've got a deposit down on 1.1 100% Het Albino Ball pythons, and I was thinking I'm making an investment of not only a fair sum of money but quite a bit of time. They are hatchlings so it will be at least 2 - 3 years before I would be able to even begin to see any return on investment and that is a very optimistic time frame. So I was wondering, what do the big breeders do with their very expensive collection, do you have insurance to cover the What if's?
Adam Becker
1.2.1 Ball Pythons
1.0 Cali King Snake (Weebl)
0.0.1 Black Breasted Leaf Turtle (Hootie)