Hello Everyone,
As a newbie I thought I would tell a little about myself.
I have been a lover of snakes since I was a child, but I just started a collection about 2 years ago.
So far I have 3 Grey-Banded Kingsnakes, 1 HUGE Florida Kingsnake, 3 Albino Corns, 1 Okettee Corn, 1 Snow Corn, 6 Variable Kingsnakes (3 Milksnake Phase, 3 Thayari Phase),
2 Knoblonchi Mountain Kings, 1 Eastern Kingsnake and last but not least, 3 Patternless Albino Ratsnakes ( I know few people have heard of those yet, but I should be able to post a few picks soon. They are super nice.)
I hope to be able to breed these for money soon, but I can't seem to get the incubation right. Oh well, we live and learn.
Thanx For The Welcome
Scott Allen