Pinkie for a 2.5 footer
When I got my CBB sub-adult ball python they gave me pinkies to feed it and said it was being force fed.After a week I got it I tryed the to wiggle the pinkie infront of it and nothing happened, and I was not going to force feed it when it had a very good body weight.So I fed the pinkie to one of my tokays. And next week I tryed again and while it was thawing I thought maybe if my ball python got stimulated from me putting a live mouse in the cage(it was a 50g so lots of room too). I watched for about 5 minutes and first time to see a snake grab amouse and it was a very happy and interesting experience.
So always do reasearch, rather then petstores "care".................though it can be accurate
21 Herps, and am looking for real cool snakes and lizards
Kevin McRae