New here...
...but not new to herps.
I've had my corn snake for a while now and I also own African Dwarf Frogs that I keep in my mixed community tanks. (29g with 3 ADFs, platies, yoyo loach, female bettas and some pygmy gouramis).
I had plans to build up my herp collection, but that was halted by a year I will be spending in Germany going to school there. But in the future I do plan on owning at least one ATB and perhaps a few more corns. I also would love to get a Durango Mountain king snake and perhaps get into some of the more exotic asian rat snakes. But that's neither here nor there at the moment. =) Top of the list is definitely an ATB though after I get back.
Other things I'm into... Fish obviously, though my collection is small at the moment. Again, downsizing because I'm going away. But when I come back I plan on getting some piranhas... Also love to read, write, listen to music and live life.
This is a great board you have here. I'm loving it so far. Thanks for having me!