Not eating ... it's a weird situation
Max ... what a guy (and oh so ready to breed Trace ... got wicked fired up when I showed him Leon today). So he is living in a 100 gallon reptarium (4 feet high) with fairly dense greenery (but not so much that you cant see him .. most of the time he is visible). My big problem is feeding. He refuses to eat out of a bowl, so it is guesswork how much he is actually eating. I put between 7-15 crix in a day (up cause of Trace) and I cant find any at the end of the day. However, many jump to the bottom of the cage imidietly and them usually dont go back up to the top where he will eat them (he hates the bottom). I am not finding any out of his cage, but the weird thing is that he seems to be slowly losing weight which I can not understand??? Any suggestions?