Meet Kapone....
First of all this is my first snake. I've had my BP for 4 days now. He's 11 months old(at least that's what I was told by the guy at the pet store). I named him "Kapone" today(after the notorious Al Capone) because he just seems so fearless and he also has what looks to be a small "war wound" on his back. He almost never goes in his hide boxes he would much rather stay up on his "PVC Hangout" and he never tries to hide when I reach for him. I put a freshly killed mouse in the tank the day after introducing him to his new home and he swallowed it up instantly. I have a 55 gal. aquarium which is at about 82-88 degrees/58% humidity(91 degrees under the light). One hide box has an undertank heater which keeps the box at mid to high 80's and the other box stays in the low 80's. I use black astroturf as substrate. Well here's a pic of Kapone on his "PVC Hangout"
Last edited by TheMan; 06-03-04 at 08:53 PM..