hes still sick
i thought my little boy got better but he did not.
a while ago he had a nasty poo and i thought i would feed him again and see what happend.
he didn't keep the food down, so i knew something was wrong, i just wanted to wait for poo to get him to the vet so about a week later i fed him again and he kept it down and i fed again and he kept it down and i thought he was better.
but i fed him friday and monday (today) he regurgitated again.
i feel bad i didn't do any thing before but he smeemd fine so now i need to get a fecal test done but have no fecal. can i use the solid pee to get tested?
0.0.1 tentacled snake, 0.1 brazilian rainbow boa, 0.0.1 black blood python, 1.0 jampea reticulated python, 1.1 yellow anacondas, 1.1 emerald tree boas, 3.1 BCIs, 1.1 ball pythons, 1.0 tiger salamander, 1.1 african giant millipedes, 0.0.2 cockatiels, 2.1 ferrets, 3.0 pet rats, some fish and more